I remember the last day before my eldest son, Quentin, was born. It was hot for March - a crazy 28 degrees C - and I was huge. My belly jutted out and stretched in ways I never EVER deemed imaginable. I waddled. I held my lower back for support. And I was extremely 'antsy'. I decided to take a long walk, to the dry cleaners, and living in Toronto, there was heavy traffic and the sidewalk was very uneven (we lived in an old section of the city). I couldn't see my toes let alone for the divets and cracks in the pavement to avoid, and even though Quentin had dropped low already, the pressure on my diaphragm made it hard to take a deep breath. So as I walked heavily and clumsily home (carrying a stack of clothes from the cleaners) I had time to think. I thought about how much my life was going to change. HUGE, just like my belly. I couldn't wrap my head around what drastic circumstances awaited me. I remember getting teary. And as I stepped into my apartment and collapsed on the couch, I sang to Quentin like I normally did, and told him how much I loved him and couldn't wait to meet him.
He was born the next day. And my life changed forever.
I now have 3 boys. I live life in reverse of what was then. Now I can't imagine my life any other way - I am Mom - it is the greatest honour and title on Earth.
I am a real Mom. I get angry, I blow up. I mess up. I burn dinner, I forget to buy toilet paper (frantically search for kleenex boxes boys!) I embarrass my kids for fun (driving around with a bike helmet when I pick them up from their buddy's place).. I let them spend way too much time on video games at times when I need to edit, I stub my toe and yell out the *poop* word out loud. It's life, it's motherhood, it's real.
Someone near and dear to me told me to check out a slideshow featured on YouTube about motherhood today. The Moms in the video were all asked if they could go back before their first baby, what they would tell themselves. They display their answers. It was awesome and it inspired me. I'd like to share it with you below.
What would you put on your sign?
Before I go, here's a recent moment with my youngest son Blythe I'd like to share...

And now the show. Enjoy.
Brought to you by Nummies Maternity Bras http://www.Nummies.com
Song is "Days Away" by InAshton http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/days...
Photography by Sara Collaton http://www.SaraCollaton.com
Produced by UnMarketing http://www.Un-Marketing.com

"It's okay to get angry and cry" - that would be my sign
ReplyDeletethank you for posting this!
okay I wrote that before I watched the video. I would also have a sign that says 'Trust your instincts and Speak up" and "Our parents don't know everything...do what you feel is right"