I love dogs. Ours is a Jack Russell Terrier + Pug mix and his name is Poko. He's a true 'simpleton' as I call him, but he's got character galore. We adore him. He can drive us crazy with his antics and bad 'manners'...(hmmm..let's see..he barks at anything/anyone, 2-legged or 4, who dares to cross our walkway...he randomly howls at 3am...picks through the laundry hamper for the smelliest 'item' he can find and 'stows' it away until I happen across it WEEKS later...and for anyone who foresees stopping by for a visit, he loves to greet visitors with a lot of jumping and a good sniff - brace thyself..). But we love him. His presence brings us comfort, he is family, our personal description of "home".
Realizing how important our dogs are to us, and how much value we place on them in our lives..how much they contribute to our emotional and physical well-being even, I am soon to be branching my business to include dogs. Portrait sessions exclusively for them. And I am putting out that casting call for any of you dog owners out there..I am looking to build my portfolio in this area! A few photographs of your canine wonder...for me and for you!
If interested, I would appreciate a contact and we'll set up an appointment!
I'll wrap up this post with a few studio shots I took of our precious Poko.

Capturing your spirit...

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