10th Anniversary
Dinner::Silent Auction::Fashion Show

We, at free spirit photography, had the honour of photographing this wonderful charity's 10th anniversary dinner, auction, fashion show and benefit! There were over 300 in attendance at the Hellenic Community Centre in London, Ontario, to support this cause, and it was very moving to see all of the work by so many volunteers involved!
Via Rail Canadawas the main sponsor for the silent auction..

..along with the Children's Miracle Network and BX93 London..

the London Police Association..

the London Fire Department..

..along with many other sponsors who provided many gifts and donations.

Great grab bags at every seat, again filled with gifts and certificates donated by local vendors..

Dave Collins and Kim Woodbridge from BX93 were the Special Guests and Hosts for the evening, along with fashions by Bonnie Togs, Elizabeth Noel, Sam Buragina, Old Navy, Kingsmill's Ltd., Urban Planet, Ashton's of London, Studio Style, Jones New York, Sharon's of Hyde Park and Collins Formal Wear.
Not only were we hired to take photos for the fashion show and fundraiser, but it was also Barb Cobbe's last year as the President of the London Chapter of the Thyroid Foundation of Canada. The evening had a special double meaning for all present.
It was a privilege to volunteer our time and to make a contribution towards documenting this special event. It was a great opportunity to give back to our community.
Thanks to all the Committee Members of the Thyroid Foundation!

Capturing the spirit of community and giving back...

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