I am a dog lover.
I love dogs. I adore dogs. I love their loyalty, their adaptibility, their forgiveness. I had the pleasure of meeting Brasco & Bella, and their loving owners Melissa and Mark. I saw a wonderful family -they love, they play. It was so fun to roll around the grass with both Brasco & Bella, and they took to me so well! They are such gentle creatures...
Love how Brasco is looking on in this image..
These dogs are so well-behaved and they have such a sense of humour!
True Edmonton Oilers fans..
This was quite impressive!
End of shoot! Packed up in the Chevy and ready to go..
*SIGH* These two sure pulled at my heart strings...
Thank you Melissa & Mark & Brasco & Bella for an amazing time! You are all way too adorable!
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